I was seriously craving chocolate chip cookies. Luckly, I had a roll of cookie dough in the fridge that I could plop on some trays and bake for ten minutes. Andrea was asleep so I could sit down for a second and enjoy a treat for myself. When Andrea woke up I was cuddling with her since I don't get to hold her as much since Charles came into our lives. I figured that she would be excited since she's been so clingy lately. Nope! Instead she jumps off my lap and goes about her business with her little determined walk. Watch the video to see what happended next.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Rainy Day
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thanks for Everything
Grandma we cannot thank you enough for all of your assistance these past 2 weeks. Andrea had a blast at your house bouncing on the horsie and feeding Elijah treats about every hour.
Also, thanks for all the help around the house so I could just spend time with the babies. We love you!
Also, thanks for all the help around the house so I could just spend time with the babies. We love you!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dinner with the Marks
Michelle was kind enough to offer to have us over for dinner last night. Daniel (6 yrs. old)set up a kid table for Andrea with his toddler bear silverware he used when he was her age. She sat at the table with him and he fed her dinner. Eventually she started handing him the spoon so he could give her more food. Then Christopher carried her around and let her play their drum set. He tapped the drum and then she went crazy banging on the set. She would end by chucking the sticks across the room, a natural drummer. Until 9:30, Andrea and the boys were jumping like monkeys on the beds and chasing one another around with light sabers. Meanwhile Michelle and Anthony held Charles while John and I played the piano. It was such an enjoyable evening.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tribute to Trish
Trish came over and made us yummy quiche! Trish and I are a little addicted to it since we went to the Bean Basket and had this amazing Mediterranean quiche. We decided we are going to start experimenting with quiche. While she was over she took some amazing pictures of the kiddies. You truly have a gift Trish!

Andrea is obsessed with Praise Baby right now. We watch it over and over (At least 5 times a day). She runs to the T.V. and starts pathetically moaning when the credits start running. Even if she is in another room. She knows! She starts pushing all the buttons, saying "bebe" until the babies return.

He's so huggable!
Andrea is obsessed with Praise Baby right now. We watch it over and over (At least 5 times a day). She runs to the T.V. and starts pathetically moaning when the credits start running. Even if she is in another room. She knows! She starts pushing all the buttons, saying "bebe" until the babies return.
He's so huggable!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sir Charles Kilian Rose is here!
Baby Charles is here!
7 pounds 15 ounces
19 inches
11-23-08 at 10:30p.m.
The delivery was pretty tough. Michelle had to push at least three times and was in labor for over 5 hours. Some how she made it through. So now we're finally home and life is back to normal. Well actually we haven't slept for about a week. But we're happy to be home and the kids are doing great...when they're asleep.
Thank you for all your prayers for the delivery and the baby.
One other thing: We finally broke down and got the internets connected. So hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch a little better....and load up on facebook friends.
Monday, November 17, 2008
If Anyone is Still Checking
I never have time to blog. I guess it's because we have a baby on the way. Andrea is so precious. I am trying to be patient with her this last month of my pregnancy when I am feeling so exhausted and irritable. Please pray for her as she has no idea what is about to happen. She is saying more words. She calls Monica, "Oicaaa" when she likes. Of course she never performs. She says something with three syllables for butterfly. We are still trying to figure that one out. She is spinning, jumping, and scaling up any table or chair she can find. Does she not know that pregnant women don't have the best reflexes? Let me tell you that this week mine have improved immensely. Thank you for all your prayers and support as John and I are about to bring our little boy into this world. Also pray for my hubby on the 29th as he takes his last CPA exam, Lord willing!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Little Helper
Andrea spent the day helping me clean yesterday. She handed me the clothes from the baskets. As I took each one she said, "Thank koo!" While making the bed I set the pillows to the side. She lifted each one (which was as big as her)up to me. Then we switched the laundry. She walked each article of clothing from the washer to the dryer. I love my front loading washer. It was so neat to see her want to do whatever I was doing. She loves her mama.
I love my potty!
Andrea's new spot to sit and read books is on her little potty. I put a pile of books next to it and she just chills while she reads. She went pee pee on the potty twice. This was totally chance, but hey that's two diapers saved. Now she puts her teddy bear on the potty and reads books to it. She is so precious.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Godmama I miss you!
Kisses for Addie
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hilton Head
To Switch or Not to Switch
My friend Shanna let me borrow some cloth diapers. I didn't really know how keen I was on the idea. I've been using them and realized that I have definitely been spoiled with the convience of the disposables. A cool incidence happened the other day though. Andrea does not like how the cloth diapers feel because she can feel the wetness. The other day I heard her doing her deliberated jibber jabber. She walks into the kitchen in her cloth diaper where I am washing dishes and hands me a disposable. I guess she knows which diapers she likes.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Time for sledding
Ohio must have influenced Andrea. I was wiping off the changing table and the plastic pad the other day. Andrea got so excited. She piled her stuffed animals on top of the mat and started pulling them around with the strap. It looked like she was pulling a sled. Then she got on it with them and was trying to pull her feet forward to move herself and the animals. I tried to get it on video, but of course as soon as the camera came out she sat there and smiled and then hid. Oh well! I promise you it was so cute.
Emma's birthday
Aunt Angela
Aunt Angela has been a gem in Andrea's life this year. She came down to Georgia at the beginning of the summer to help us out until I finished work. She helped Andrea start to walk. Thank you! Then we came up to Ohio and she just loved on our little girl. Also, she knit Andrea the cutest little blanket that Andrea uses to cuddle and cover up all her little teddies.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Grandmama knows what I love!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
"Chili's Baby Back Ribs"
"Chili's Baby Back Ribs," echoed through the car as the Netters were excited to be together again. We were heading to Chili's after 6:00 Mass. Aunt Annie taught Andrea the Muppets song. She did it on tempo a couple of times. We are trying to get it on video, but evert time we hold up the camera, Andrea lips the words silently and smiles. She thinks she's so cute.

Chris fed Andrea slimy onions from his fajitas. She looked like she was eating grubs with Timon and Pumba. "Hakuna Matata!" Andrea loves her uncle Chris so much. Who knows maybe one day he will perform her marriage as a priest.

Chris fed Andrea slimy onions from his fajitas. She looked like she was eating grubs with Timon and Pumba. "Hakuna Matata!" Andrea loves her uncle Chris so much. Who knows maybe one day he will perform her marriage as a priest.
I love my cousin Andrew!
Andrew came over to play awhile ago while Uncle A.J. helped John. Andrew and Andrea played so well together, but notice in the pictures what fascinated each of them.
They play so well together now and give each other lots of hugs and kisses. How can we not go over to Andrew's house to play when Andrew is always so welcoming, "Annie is at my house! Come to Andrew's town and play!"
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Annie's coming to town!
Andrea was excited to see daddy last night when he got back from training. We pulled up in the driveway and she spotted him on the top of the stairs opening the front door. Her eyes twinkled and she got this cute little grin on her face. Annie is going to be with us from August 1st through the 10th. Four of the Netters together again, since Ortega is still here too! Hopefully this will really help our family out so I will have someone to hang out with as John takes the first part of his CPA exam. Yesterday was the 2 week mark (August 6th at 12:00 p.m.)! After the 6th, John will still have plenty of time to spend with Annie too before she leaves. Fun times of scrabble and movie marathons on the way!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Lyla! Lyla!
When Andrea plays at grandma's house now she calls for Elijah, saying, "Lyla! Lyla!" She likes chasing him around and hanging on him. She even likes giving him treats, except for the occasional knock down by the doggie when he gets too excited. Anyways, this word has transformed into every animal possible now. We are on walks and the squirrels and cats are "Lyla" too. On "Praise Baby" (The best video for infants with soothing music and pictures for babies and mommies. Thanks Aunt Gina for the suggestion!) the rhinoceros and giraffe are, as you guessed it, "Lyla" as well. Elijah never knew he could be so loved.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Officially Walking
Andrea is walking now. She prefers it to crawling. We love watching her stumble over things and yet somehow manage to stay on her feet. She insists on carrying her blankie around with her everywhere so she adds an extra obstacle. I took her outside yesterday, thinking she would hang onto me on the uneven terrian. No, she was ready for the outdoors. We walked to the doggie and down the driveway and to the doggie again. As she went down the driveway she would pick up serious speed and I would have to grab her arm before the face plant. Then she grabbed the stroller and pushed it around. The stroller would start going quickly, pulling her instead, and I would have to catch the both of them. John and I feel we will have some serious injuries heading our way soon as our curious little dare devil gets braver and braver. I will post a video soon!
Our Little Monkey

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Cruising Around Now
Andrea is taking 5 or 6 steps at at time now. She kinda bounces herself up to her feet, gets her balance, and off she goes. I had to stop putting her in cute dresses this week because whenever she would stand to walk she got frustrated as she would constantly trip over the front of her dress. She is as playful as ever. When John gets home from work now, she goes crazy. (John is staying late at work to study for the CPA exam right now.)She's missed him all day so she starts giggling uncontrollably and crawling out of the room, expecting daddy to come catch her. She'll do this for at least an hour if he'll keep chasing her. Then he lies on the ground, usually collapsing, and she climbs on top of him to give him big hugs and cuddle. She rode on his back like he was a horse last night and loved it. She started bouncing on his back to make him move faster. Isn't it funny how every kid automatically knows how this game works?
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