I hope you enjoy story time with Annie.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Funny Story of the Day
Andrea and I were playing this new fun website that "Little People" posted for their 50th anniversary. One of the games asked the child to pick which animal made the sound. There was a lion and a bird in the jungle. I asked Andrea what sound does a lion make and she said "ROOOOOOOAAR" as loud as she could. Then I asked, "What sound does a bird make?" She said "Roar" in her soft, quiet the baby sleeping voice. It was so cute. It makes sense that the bird is smaller than the lion so it would be softer too!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
St. Patrick's Day
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sir Charles-The Star of the Blog for Today!
I realized that I monopolize the blog with pictures, movies, and funny phrases from Andrea. She's just so darn cute these days. I know that y'all want to see pics of Charles because he's "SOOOO COOOOO". (So Cute in Annie language)There I go again with Andrea. Anyways here are some pictures of our little guy.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Our Little Leprechaun
We went to Kenny and Leslie's saturday night for a Saint Patrick's Day party with irish music by Kenny and others that get together to play in Augusta. Andrea, dressed in her green attire, looked like a little leprechaun as she continued to show off her fancy dance moves. She especially featured her jump move that all our followers have seen in earlier blogs. Kenny's uncle who must have been 100% irish or pretty close was dancing with Andrea and making her laugh so she had a dancing buddy for the night. Mommy loved dancing with her little girl too!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Andrea's Debut on the Dance Floor
We wanted everyone to see some footage from Joe and Angela's wedding reception. There will be more fun videos to come. Also, we got a new camera charger so we can post pictures once again.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
We borrowed CARS from grandma and papa and so this whole week Andrea has been asking for the movie. "Cars? Cars?", she'll ask in her convincing tone that she can turn on when she wants something. Today she started saying it and I thought she was asking for the movie, but she was carrying around shoes. I thought "OH NO, we're moving backwards, she is mixing up her words now." I looked at the shoes and they had Lighting Mc Queen on them. My friend Diane had given us some shoes for Charles and these ones were actually the perfect size for Andrea. Yeah!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Today it was gorgeous outside so I took Andrea and Charlie to St. Joseph's park. Charlie took a nap in the fresh air in his stroller while Andrea and I played. She can do so much more now than in the fall when we went. She jumped onto the car all by herself and climbed all the ladders, even the one to the tall slide all by herself. It was nice to stand back and watch my "big girl." Then we went to Adoration to say hi to Jesus. I'm so thankful I can be home with children to take advantage of beautiful days like today.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I'm a Big Fan of Harry Potter!
Apparently Andrea is a big fan of Harry Potter because she has been saying "Dobby, Dobby! Dobby, Dobby!" She said it the whole car ride the other day. For the longest time we had no idea what that could mean. We just figured out that when Andrea is doing something wrong we say, "Stop That." We decoded the language yesterday when Andrea was walking around pointing her finger and telling all her babies and bears, "Dobby! Dobby!"
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
New Milestone for Andrea
Andrea slept in her big girl bed for the first time last night. Before "nigh nigh" last night Andrea climbed into our bed and pulled the covers over herself and was content as can be. John asked her if she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed, and of course, she said "KAY!" John said it was so sweet to tuck her in last night. He sat there for a few minutes and waited for her to get settled. He came out of the room and said, "Well we'll see what happens." She has a guard on the side since its a regular size twin bed and there was a pile of stuff on the bottom of the bed since I cannot keep up with the piles around the house with "La Destructora" (Savannah's nickname for Andrea)doing her work. I guess she didn't think to move the stuff. I have to admit it was very sweet, well bitter sweet, to come in this morning to wake up my "big girl" in her bed for the first time.
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