Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bath Time

Last night Annie was in the bath and John heard Annie yelling. He went into the bathroom and Annie was angry! "Charlie threw a teddy bear in the bath tub." There was a bear the size of Charlie floating in the bath tub. "He threw mommy's boot in the water too," said Annie. John asked her what else Charlie threw and she said his Thomas train and the plunger!"

Monday, December 27, 2010

Rose Christmas Highlights

I didn't take very many pictures at Christmas with the Roses, but these pictures were my my personal two favorite events of the night. Kaitlyn and Charlie putting coins in the snowman and then dumping them so they could do it again! Uncle Nate spinning Emma and Annie and of course them begging for more! Coin Video

Charles loves tickling other people right now. If you are in his vicinity then you are in the "tickle zone".

Charlie and His Godmother

Charlie has been so stubborn lately with taking pictures, but apparently he is photogenic when he is with his Godmother.

Sweet pictures below:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Recap of the Last Month

Okay so I know that nobody is checking the blog since I have neglected it for a month. I guess the blog will officially just be a scrap book that hopefully at least my kids will want to see ten years down the road. In all seriousness, I just couldn't keep up with the blog with having family in town, Charlie's Birthday bash, packing for Ohio, Having a blast in Ohio, and then unpacking from Ohio while unpacking Christmas decorations. Over the next few days, I will try to recap the events of the past month so we can hold onto to these busy, but fun, memories for many years to come.

Dinner with Philip while He was Staying with Us

Uncle Philip is now officially Charlie's favorite as you can see from his silly, happy faces. Philip taught Charlie how to karate chop, high kick, and make the loudest, craziest noises. That's what Uncles are for, right?

Philip got us some nice bonfire skewers for Christmas so we of course had to make a fire.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thank You Annie!

Daddy and Uncle Philip just raked the leaves last week, but we knew our trees would dump another batch. Well, within a week we had a full yard again. We were playing outside today in the beautiful, warm fall weather and I decided to take the opportunity to blow the leaves. Before I knew it, on her own initiative, Annie picked up the rake and started pushing the leaves toward the pile. She turned to me and said, "Boy, this is hard work!" She helped me though and the yard looks great.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Charles!

Today is so busy with Uncle Philip in town and Uncle Joe, Steven, and Aunt Angela arriving any minute. I just wanted to make sure I paused for a moment to tell you, Charles Kilian, that I will love you for all eternity. You are such a sweet, sweet boy! Charlie bear, what a blessing you are to us!!! I am glad that God gave you to us! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Walk

I feel so blessed to be in walking distance of these beautiful creations of God.

John walking the 2 kids in the double stoller.

Grandmama and the grandkids that she loves so dearly

My mom conquering the rocks to come out to the island to skip rocks. It was fun to reminisce about how that was one of my dad's favorite pastimes. He loved hiking and finding the obscure path down to the water to skip rocks.
Isn't it interesting how much John is like my dad? John showed Charlie how to toss the rocks.

Charlie got the hang of the game quickly. Rocks and water = Extreme Fun
Family Picture - - - And then?

Who cares if we get wet and dirty?!?

Annie helped Grandmama walk Cocoa back home.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our Weekend

Our weekend has been nice. We have been running on the canal when John gets home from work. I NEED to remember to bring my camera along because the leaves are the most beautiful colors reflecting over the Savannah River waters. While in the stroller, Annie was enjoying these beautiful sights and said, "Charlie you look at that water (pointing to the left) and I'll look at this water (pointing to the right). That evening Joey and Katie came for some barbecue and some relaxation by the fire. Today Monica came over and we biked the canal from our house to Savannah Rapids Pavillion and back. A nice 10 mile bike ride in the fall breeze. Tomorrow is Sunday so that means we get to go to Mass and watch daddy play soccer!

Friday, November 12, 2010

An Important Lesson in Energy Conservation

John was showing Annie the other night how to dim the lights and mentioned to her that this can save energy. The next morning, Annie insisted on turning the lights on in the living room, but I showed her how instead we can open the windows and use the light from the sun. She really wanted to turn on the lights still. I said, "Annie if we turn off the lights it saves money and then we can use that money to buy new toys." She walked right over and turned the lights OFF!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


1.) "It was a brick house so the wolf couldn't PUFF it down."

2. Charles was not coming up the stairs with Annie and I heard her say, "ALEX AURTHUR you better come right now." Apparently she has changed our son's name.

Dance Party

We were shaking the sillies out before bedtime. Charlie was dancing more but apparently he thought it was funny to be a ham and fall constantly when the camera was on him.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Pics

Gina has great pictures on her blog too!
Click here to see Halloween Pictures!
More Pictures below:
Charlie and his Aunt Monica

Snow White and her Elephant

The uncooperative trick or treating picture

Charlie's dance party in Uncle Brian's truck

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Family Fall Fire Time

Daddy and his Annie

Daddy and his buddy Charlie

The fall weather brings sibling togetherness!