Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday

Happy Birthday Annie! We love you our little Andrea Hope! Annie you gave us so much hope after grandpa passed away and you continue to bring us so much joy and hope everyday. God made you so special and we pray that you will grow up to be a beautiful, faithful woman just like Mother Mary.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Rest and Relaxation

We've had a busy vacation this week. We went to the Akron Zoo, the Linda Theatre and saw Toy Story 3 for $5, and the cool park many times. After all of the excitement of the week, Annie and Charlie really enjoyed some R & R with their Aunt Angela today.

Angela's Favorite Quotes

In case you don't read the comments on a normal basis, I wanted to let you know that Angela wrote all of her favorite Annie quotes for the week in the comments under "INTWUSTING".

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Slide

The Slide Continues...

This is us at the new park by my parents' house. Sorry we are laughing so hard but the slide was way faster than we had expected.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daddy We Went on a Tractor Ride

Riding on the Tractor 6-23-10 at Amy and Brent's house

Monday, June 21, 2010

Monkey Joes

We went with Uncle Philip and Grandmama to Monkey Joes. John loved it because he got to sit in a recliner in the air conditioning and watch the whole world cup game.


Annie: "What are you doing?"
Uncle Joe "I'm taking the dogs outside to go to the bathroom."
Annie: Do they go in the grass?"
Joe: "Yes."
Annie: "Does he sit down?"
Joe: "Yes."
Annie: "That's INTWUSTING!"
On a side note: The other day while at the State Park, Annie did not want to go in the Porter Potty (who can blame her)so she said, "Can I just go in the grass?"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Swiper is at it AGAIN!

Annie told grandma yesterday, "Swiper SWIPED my house and ATE it!"

I guess she is processing the move from the old house in her own way.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good Question

Annie said to me, "Mama I ate too much candy. Is that going to make my tummy have a head ache?"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 11, 2010

We decided to do everything on the same day to make life fun! Carpi Diem! Seize the Day! Today we celebrated our 5th Anniversary, Picked up Philip from the airport, and completed the first half of our move (I guess that's what you call it.) Don't worry I'm sure we can think of something fun to do the rest of June. (Oh yeah travel to Ohio AND Connecticut.)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Phone Call to Dora

Last night Annie was talking on her play cell phone. She said,

"Hi Dora. Yeah we're going to a new house. Yeah we're done with this one."

Go to MAMA

The other day I was trying to get Charles' attention because he was bothering Annie. Out of nowhere Annie shouts, "CHARLES KILIAN, GO TO MAMA!"

Apparently she knows his full name. I wonder where she's heard that before?