Annie is so excited about going to school next year. She talks about school constantly now. I had a "Dan in Real Life" moment the other day. It was similar to the scene when they are driving in the car and Lily, the youngest daughter, says "Sometimes you make a good father and not a good dad." He repeatedly asks her, "Who told you to say that, Jane or Kara?" thinking that the thought was too profound for his baby to come up with on her own. Annie wrote "Andrea" instead of "Annie"(This is how she normally signs all of her pictures.) I asked her who taught her and she said I did it myself from my placemat mommy. Just like the little girl Lily in the movie said, "I did it myself daddy, I'm in the fourth grade." Annie drew a spider the other day and it actually looked like one with eight legs and itty bitty eyes. Again I asked, Annie who taught you how to draw a spider. I taught myself mommy was again her response. I can't get used to my baby girl being old enough to figure out on her own accord new skills and techniques or even possibly profound thoughts without mimicing from another adult in her life. I am proud of her and know that she will do well next year in school. She is so ready! She even said, "Mom watch me do a somersault. It's a good thing that I can do that for when I go to school next year." She's got everything covered for her big trip to kindergarten next year.