We had an interesting conversation with a friend yesterday. You know as parents we strive to teach our kids the faith and yet they may leave the Church once they grow up. We talked about trusting in God, knowing that He is bigger than us. We must know whole-heartedly that God will send the Holy Spirit to guide our children toward Him. I pray for that grace everyday for myself and for the kids. Last Sunday our Lord definitely poured out His grace. We had just returned from traveling from our good friends Angela and Sean's wedding. I just felt frustrated that I was obligated to go to Mass since it was Sunday. In my head I thought, I had the three kids: Maggie fussy and ready for a nap, Charlie had just pooped and needed a bath, and well Annie needed to change out of the clothes that she may have been wearing since the night before. I prayed, "Okay Lord if I am going to make it to Mass, so I can come and be present with you at the Holy Sacrifice, I need the grace to make it there. The grace flowed abundantly. I got to Mass right as it started all three kids in tote: Charlie was bathed, Annie was in a cute dress and sweater that actually matched, and Maggie was fast asleep in the car seat. A college student that we know offered his pew in the Narthex when he saw me standing on the side. I was able to sit and listen because Maggie slept until communion. As I was thinking I would not be able to walk up for communion, I saw another friend who carried Maggie, so I could carry Charlie as we walked to receive Jesus. After Mass, the Abernathy's graciously offered us dinner so the grace continued. It turned out to be quite an enjoyable evening after a simple prayer for His grace. So when praying for my children that they would grow up to know the faith and still want to go to Church to be with Christ, I can look back at this instance and remember He will give my children these graces if I simply ask.
A sweet video of Charlie praying the Divine Chaplet with me.