The beautiful Rapunzel gown is from Grandma and Papa. They gave her the dress, hair (which she constantly wears now and brushes it so it will play the song from the movie.), and brush earlier in the day so she could be the most stylin princess at the party.

All the kids enjoyed the pool and sprinkler on this hot summer evening.
Uncle Philip got her a really cool dollhouse that you build and color with accesseries. She spent two hours the next day putting it together and decorating it.
~Annie's new favorite My Little Pony with shoes and hair brush~
She was so excited to take some of her ponies including her new one to share with her cousins at her Aunt Mary's party the next day. She remembered how her cousin Savannah brought a pony to the last party which she and Annie played with the whole night.
The Pretty Pretty Princess Game!!! My sister and I loved this game and now Annie has her own Princess Aurora (Her favorite Disney princess)version of the game.
Annie is so into cooking right now. She told Aunt Mary that she can't cook because her kitchen upstairs doesn't have an oven. Aunt Mary's birthday task among a 20 minute discussion of other items was to get her an oven so she could cook in her kitchen.
Annie models one of the two aprons she got for her birthday. Her Aunt Angela hand-painted an apron with roses and her name on it. The one she is wearing in this photo was made by my friend Tina, Ayden's mom.
Annie loved this swimming baby from the Ciamellos. She puts her in p.j.'s every night and then back into her swimsuit in the morning so they can swim together.
Annie baked and decorated the cake. She even placed most of the star sprinkles individually on the letters. And of course she added the princess fairy wand candles to the cake at the end.
Love Love Love the photo below of my precious 4-year old girl!!!
With all the attention on Annie, Charlie became a cuddle bug with mommy for the night.
MORE PRESENT OPENING PICTURES-Just documenting for Annie but I know that this blog is getting long if you need to stop
A Princess Rapunzel Polly Pocket
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