Well with Baby Maggie on the way, and we all know that she'll be here before we know it, it's project time around our house again. With Charlie 2 and a half we haven't thought about baby-proofing in a while. The other night we pulled up Excel again to start the lists and prioritize them since the reality is that they will not all get done before Maggie is here. We did manage to find the infant car seats and bases, bouncy seat, and a box of clothes for me to wash. With Charlie I was so concerned about clothes since he was born in November and cold but with Maggie: 1.) It's 100 degrees everyday so she can just chill in a diaper and
2.) She and Annie's birthdays are so close that the month to season clothing should match up pretty well for those first few months. Well we are getting excited and Charlie is very escatic about projects and tool time with his daddy!
John and Charlie
rounding & softening the edges of brick around the fireplace

1 comment:
Maureen Barton soooo funny. John actually has another set of eyes on these projects. lol...Is Charlie offering any advice???
Andrea Tuthill Johnson sooo cute :) can't wait to meet Maggie!!!!
Peggy Rose It looks like Charlie is John's supervisor.
Maureen Barton sure does...that is what Cameron did every time Rob came over to work, only he told him flat out he was the supervisor. lol
Michelle Rose haha...I just thought was so sweet at how content Charlie was to watch his daddy during the whole project
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