Friday, July 18, 2008

Officially Walking

Andrea is walking now. She prefers it to crawling. We love watching her stumble over things and yet somehow manage to stay on her feet. She insists on carrying her blankie around with her everywhere so she adds an extra obstacle. I took her outside yesterday, thinking she would hang onto me on the uneven terrian. No, she was ready for the outdoors. We walked to the doggie and down the driveway and to the doggie again. As she went down the driveway she would pick up serious speed and I would have to grab her arm before the face plant. Then she grabbed the stroller and pushed it around. The stroller would start going quickly, pulling her instead, and I would have to catch the both of them. John and I feel we will have some serious injuries heading our way soon as our curious little dare devil gets braver and braver. I will post a video soon!

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