Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tribute to Trish

Trish came over and made us yummy quiche! Trish and I are a little addicted to it since we went to the Bean Basket and had this amazing Mediterranean quiche. We decided we are going to start experimenting with quiche. While she was over she took some amazing pictures of the kiddies. You truly have a gift Trish!


Andrea is obsessed with Praise Baby right now. We watch it over and over (At least 5 times a day). She runs to the T.V. and starts pathetically moaning when the credits start running. Even if she is in another room. She knows! She starts pushing all the buttons, saying "bebe" until the babies return.

He's so huggable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait to come home and see them! Charlie is too cute. Love you guys!