Monday, March 2, 2009

New Milestone for Andrea

Andrea slept in her big girl bed for the first time last night. Before "nigh nigh" last night Andrea climbed into our bed and pulled the covers over herself and was content as can be. John asked her if she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed, and of course, she said "KAY!" John said it was so sweet to tuck her in last night. He sat there for a few minutes and waited for her to get settled. He came out of the room and said, "Well we'll see what happens." She has a guard on the side since its a regular size twin bed and there was a pile of stuff on the bottom of the bed since I cannot keep up with the piles around the house with "La Destructora" (Savannah's nickname for Andrea)doing her work. I guess she didn't think to move the stuff. I have to admit it was very sweet, well bitter sweet, to come in this morning to wake up my "big girl" in her bed for the first time.


Anonymous said...

La Destructora...I love it!

andrea johnson said...

that is an awesome nick-name...