Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Time

I love summer time because it gives our family time to relax together. I feel like so many memories are made. Monday night we went for a walk with the double stroller and then stopped by the Lammers house to have key lime pie. Tuesday night we went to an outdoor concert on the lawn of Appleby Library with our friend Andrea Mc. (I'll specify since there are so many amazing Andreas in our lives.) Last night we went swimming with the Abers! Andrea got in the water and played in the kiddie pool with Gabbie! Hooray! We're making progress! Charles and Andrea both loved the "Big Bath!" I am looking forward to lots more summer evenings with my kids and wonderful husband. It's been four years today that he married me and I am loving every minute of it.

1 comment:

Sarah Merhaut said...

Happy Anniversary, John and Michelle!!

You guys can thank Steve for helping Andrea become more comfortable around water! lol