Wednesday, October 7, 2009


With our little two year walking around we are constantly singing our "Patience Song".

"Have Patience
Have Patience
Don't Be in Such a hurry
If you get impatient you only start to worry
Remember, remember you must be patient too
If you learn to wait for others, they will wait for

I paused for Annie to sing and she screams ME :) !!!

We are learning patience with our little girl but a priest reminded me recently that they only need you for a little while and soon they will be teenagers. "Oh!" I remembered that I would rather be loved by over attention and neediness from my daughter right now than forgotten by her. Oh our little Annie, how we love her.


Gina said...

That was our song with Emma, especially through all the colic time, except we sang, "remember that God is patient too and think of all the times when others have to wait for you!" Emma still sings that with me when we need to remember patience:)

Amy said...

I need to hear it to get the full affect...I could make up my own tune, but I'm not much of a song writer.