Sunday, April 17, 2011


Yesterday we finally had our staycation to recover from our fun, but busy vacation. We went to confession in the afternoon and John and I had to tag team the kids. Annie actually enjoyed walking around and looking at the stained-glass windows while she waited. Then we let the kids run around the Mary fountain while we enjoyed the spring weather. When we got home, John put up a new playhouse outside for the kids, which is featured in the video. Angela came over for dinner: grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, corn bread, and edamame beans, which turned out to be delicious. I am recording that I made dinner, because I'm sure in a few months with a new little one around this will not be the case. I can look back and be encouraged that we did at one time eat home-cooked meals. After dinner we played with the kids in the playhouse. Then made a fire. At 10 o'clock the kids enjoyed fireworks from the Green Jackets stadium in our backyard. If anyone wants to enjoy fireworks, the Green Jackets are doing them every Saturday evening that they have a home game. It was a wonderful Saturday, and much needed Staycation.

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