Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Angry Face

When Charles does something he is not supposed to do we say, "Ta-Ta Charlie". It sounds silly but my friend Missy always says it and it just comes naturally. The idea behind the phrase is to delay the word no. I just think it is more fun to say "TA-TA" and I know the theory behind it does not work because I am pretty sure Annie was advanced in figuring out the word no. So we say, "Ta-Ta." It's actually kind of nice because Annie will start saying "ta-ta Charlie" and I will come around the corner and the little bugger is about to put his hands in the toilet. Annie enjoys the "ta-ta" patrol. John and I were saying, "ta-ta" to Charlie for throwing his food on the floor yesterday and John decided to give Charlie the stern look. Charlie's feelings were so hurt he immediately burst into tears and started crying hysterically. He's apparently already intimidated by daddy's angry face.

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