Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dinner Guests

When John was at 6:00 Mass he saw Jonathan, Sharon, and Sarah so he invited them for dinner. We had not hung out with them since probably last year around this time. I was a little humbled since our house is no where near looking nice enough to entertain but they did not mind. Charles followed Sarah around everywhere. I think he was fascinated with someone littler than him crawling around everywhere. It was fun. Our first guests for dinner and hopefully many many more. We got our dining room and outdoor patio furniture last night thanks to the Mongan family. Since they did not want to move it to Florida we were able to purchase it from them. So yeah a big table with comfy chairs in our, I can hardly believe it, own dinig room.


Gina said...

Can't wait to see the new furniture!!!So glad you had some dinner guests already:)

Angela said...

So you got the table you were hoping for? Exciting. Can't wait to see pictures of everything!

Aunt Theresa said...

Love the dress! She looks so cute.

andrea johnson said...

so exciting! it must be such a relief and a comfort! praying for you and hoping to be one of those 'guests' soon :)