Monday, September 19, 2011

What's happening w/ JR's family this week?

Maggie is 2 months old!!! I am proud to announce that she slept from 11-7 last night. ( I know that nobody else is as excited as mommy and daddy.) Annie decided that she must practice her back flips ( Backward somersaults on the couch) and balancing on our oh so narrow coffee table so she's almost ready for the tightrope. She says when she grows up she will be in the circus and a teacher like her mommy. Charlie is, well Charlie! Flipping, wrestling, & jumping on the couch.


Amy said...

I can't believe Maggie is already 2 months old! Your kiddos look adorable~Charlie and Annie have gotten so big since we've seen you.

Angela said...

Maggie looks so big and alert. Can't wait to see them all again.