Sunday, April 15, 2012

Charlie and the Drum

We are officially back in our home after Masters. So I guess the party we had last night could be considered the "Getting through Masters Week Celebration." The guys from John's band came over to grill some food and play some music. Monica, Mary and Denton came as well to see the kids, the house, and the fireworks. Charlie enjoyed the music and even tried out the drum. He and Annie were playing it and so I ran to grab the flip camera. By the time I returned, Charlie didn't want to play the drum anymore. So I said, "Charlie, DON'T play the drum!" He climbs right onto the chair and slyly taps the drum lightly. Oh my 3 year old son! Good thing he doesn't understand reverse psychology yet. Hope you enjoy the video.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love the reverse psychology.