Monday, September 27, 2010

A Lesson in Faith

Today's first reading is about Job and how everything is taken away from him.

Then Job began to tear his cloak and cut off his hair.
He cast himself prostrate upon the ground, and said,

"Naked I came forth from my mother's womb,
and naked shall I go back again.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
blessed be the name of the LORD!"

I know in my heart and have always been taught that this is true faith. You don't feel God and everything is not going your way and you still praise God. I'm not sure that I am at that same level of having true faith like Job, but I hope that I can teach my children so they will have that kind of faith. Annie got to go to "Catechisis of the Good Shepherd" this morning. It's a hands-on (Montessori approach) experience of the Scriptures and Sacrements. I hope and pray that it will be one more opportunity for Annie to learn her faith while having fun with the other kids. The founder of "Catechisis of the Good Shepherd" said,

"If we want to help the child draw nearer to God, we should with patience and courage seek to go always closer to the vital nucleus of things. This requires study and prayer. The child will be our teacher if we know how to observe."
-- Sofia Cavalletti

1 comment:

Maria said...

beautiful thoughts Michele. I always found Montessori interesting and adding the scripture component to that thought process is unique yet a beautiful way for children to learn to live their faith at a young age.