Monday, December 19, 2011

The Grocery Store

Well I attempted the grocery store this morning. I suppose by the word attempted you realize that it didn't go as planned. I was going through Publix this morning, two kids in the cart and Annie walking along the side, when a couple we know from church came over to talk to us. They were commenting on how well-behaved the kids were being. We proceeded down the aisle to get to the checkout counter. As I was unloading the groceries from the cart, Charlie dumped the whole carton of blueberries. Everyone behind starts warning passers by to "WATCH OUT FOR THE BLUEBERRIES." I guess pride cometh before the fall. I was a proud mom with my kids receiving compliments while out in public. Yet before I could make it to the car, I was humbled. But now it is the evening and I can look back to earlier events of the day and kind of chuckle at my toddlers, especially my son, because there would be way less excitement in my life without them. They do bring me so much joy, even if I cannot appreciate it until after they are all in bed for the night.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Michelle, It sounds like a success story to me! 3 kids in the grocery store is not something I am looking forward to~ I am very challenged with 2. Please pass along any tips you may have!