Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Our Computer is Back

Right before Thanksgiving we got a virus that killed our harddrive. We would like to hope that it wasn't some corporation trying to kill our laptop so we would just so happen to have to buy a new computer on Black Friday. We bought a new harddrive but it really has been a task trying to run the recovery and backups from our external harddrive. We hope that it is finally working for good now. However we are still trying to recover our pictures and videos form back ups. Thus the lack of posts for a month.

This note is blogworthy though. For our first post back in awhile I'd like to let everyone know that Maggie slept from 10-5:30 last night which is 7 and 1/2 hours. Her parents are so proud and grateful. Much better than the up every hour the previous nights. John and I will be much nicer people if Maggie keeps up the 7 hour sleeping for the next few nights.

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