Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween was actually relaxing and enjoyable this evening. We took the simpler the better approach this year. Brian and Gina said that we could come to their house. All our kids are still so little that we figured we'd just go to a few houses and then chill while the kids played.

We went around the block and then the kids had a major dance party in Uncle Brian's truck and then the garage. Emma and Annie have become such good friends. It makes my heart melt to hear Annie call Emma her "favorite friend" (her own version of best friend) and for Emma to call Annie her best friend. They get along so well right now and I am just treasuring the moments when their together.

Trick-or-Treat story:
We were trying to avoid SCARY houses but somehow the kids were running up to this one before we could stop them. There was eery music playing and the man had a white mask on his head. Annie turns to me excited and says, "MAMA I GOT CANDY FROM AN ALIEN!"

The prayers this evening just made the night the most memorable though. They went as follows:
Annie says, "Bless Grandma and Papa for coming "ober" to see us, bless Emma for playing with me, and bless Aunt Gina for giving us JUICE BOXES!"

1 comment:

Gina said...

You tell that sweet girl that she is WELCOME and can come "ober" anytime for more:) We had so much fun with you all too. Thanks for coming over!