Monday, October 18, 2010

Utter Frustration

Annie was riding bikes the other day with our neighbor Wyatt. Lately she must start her bike with her keys, she already cannot wait to be 16. Then I hear her say, "D@!# it! D*@# it! I can't find my FREAKIN keys!" I was disappointed as her mom, because she gets the first part from Daddy's temper and the second part from my impatience. I felt awful as I was wondering what Miss Beth, Wyatt's mom was thinking. It's like when I was teaching and the kids would start telling me things at school. I would think of how horrified the parent would feel if they knew their child just shared the inner workings of his home with his teacher. Now, I was on the other side feeling horrified. It was definitely a lesson for me in taming my tongue and getting more organized so I can find my keys when we need to leave.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Still laughing at this one!!! Emma learned the d word from me too:( I'm sure the neighbor is still laughing too!!!!