Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa!

Annie was thinking about papa on his birthday and sharing in his distain for kitty-cats. We hope you enjoy this video papa! Happy Birthday!
Annie was having the "I want a puppy conversation" with us. We asked her waht kind and she said come to the computer and I will show you. (What did we ever do without the Internet? Even my 3 year is dependent on it.) She proceeds, "Pull up the blue screen and push the button and the puppy will come up on the 'PUDER'." We saw lots of cute dogs but one was of a cat and dog hugging and Annie said, "THAT'S DISGUSTING!" (after daddy said it of course).

1 comment:

Angela said...

I still remember when she was 1 or 2 and used to chase Pipin around and try to hug her. She loves cats. Don't try to convince her otherwise.... as far as a puppy, we have 2. Both of them love your kids.... just saying.....